Angular Reactive Forms: Dynamic Field Management with FormArray and FormRecord

Abhishek Wadalkar
2 min readOct 20, 2024


In Angular reactive forms, adding or removing fields dynamically can be challenging. Fortunately, FormArray and FormRecord provide an elegant solution.

What are FormArray and FormRecord?

FormArray and FormRecord are two essential classes in Angular's reactive forms library.


FormArray is a class that represents an array of FormControl instances. It allows you to create, update, and manage a collection of form controls.

Key Features of FormArray:

  • Creates an array of FormControl instances
  • Supports adding, removing, and replacing controls
  • Provides methods for iterating and accessing controls

Example: Dynamic Phone Numbers

// Component
phoneNumbersForm = new FormGroup({
phoneNumbers: new FormArray([
new FormControl(''),

addPhoneNumber() {
this.phoneNumbersForm.controls.phoneNumbers.push(new FormControl(''));

removePhoneNumber(index: number) {
<!-- Template -->
<form [formGroup]="phoneNumbersForm">
<div formArrayName="phoneNumbers">
<div *ngFor="let phoneNumber of phoneNumbersForm.controls.phoneNumbers.controls; let i = index">
<input [formControlName]="i" placeholder="Phone Number">
<button (click)="removePhoneNumber(i)">Remove</button>
<button (click)="addPhoneNumber()">Add Phone Number</button>


FormRecord is a class that represents a record of FormControl instances. It allows you to create, update, and manage a collection of form controls with unique keys.

Key Features of FormRecord:

  • Creates a record of FormControl instances with unique keys
  • Supports adding, removing, and replacing controls
  • Provides methods for iterating and accessing controls

Example: Dynamic Address

// Component
addressForm = new FormRecord({});
newFieldName: any;

get addressFormKeys() { return Object.keys(this.addressForm.controls) }

addAddressField(fieldName: string) {
this.addressForm.addControl(fieldName, new FormControl(''));
this.newFieldName = ''

removeAddressField(fieldName: string) {
getAddressField() {
<!-- Template -->
<form [formGroup]="addressForm">
<div formRecordName="address">
<div *ngFor="let fieldName of addressFormKeys">
<p><b>{{ fieldName }}</b>
<input [formControlName]="fieldName" placeholder="{{ fieldName }}">
<button (click)="removeAddressField(fieldName)">Remove</button>
<button (click)="getAddressField()">Get All Address Field</button>

<input placeholder="New Field Name" [(ngModel)]="newFieldName">
<button (click)="addAddressField(newFieldName)">Add Address Field</button>


FormArray and FormRecord provide a flexible way to dynamically add or remove fields in Angular reactive forms.

Best Practices

  • Use FormArray for arrays of identical fields.
  • Use FormRecord for objects with varying field names.
  • Always validate user input when dynamically adding fields.

Stay tuned for more Angular form tutorials!



Abhishek Wadalkar
Abhishek Wadalkar

Written by Abhishek Wadalkar

Passionate Frontend developer with 4 years experience, crafting seamless, user-centric web experiences. Exploring the world of web development and constantly.

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